Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)I used this product after my workout and gained about 10 pounds of muscle in a 3 week span. It tastes great, but it is somewhat difficult to dissolve in a shaker. Good product for those who train hard. My muscles healed much more quickly when I used cytogainer. I would not recommend it to anyone who doesn't train with high intensity because it is too expensive and it could add unwanted fat. Overall, a great post-workout supplement for high intensity trainers.
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DENSE, FULL, HARD MUSCLE takes primarily 3 things:PROTEIN - Quality aminos and lots of them.CARBS - Complex, quality carbs, and lots of them, too!A LOT OF HARD WORKIf you've ever had trouble really growing, or had trouble maintaining your hard-earned size, this product was designed specifically for you. CytoGainer gives you large portions of protein and carbohydrates, without the fat and sugar. If you're like most of us, you get plenty of fat and sugar in your diet, and you certainly don't have to supplement to get more of either. Forget about the uncomfortable, bloated feeling from cheap, high lactose, low quality whey proteins; CytoGainer contains the highest quality whey and whey peptides, and is 98% lactose free!CYTOGAINER HAS IT ALL! Here are the Hard FactsEach serving of CytoGainer provides 54 grams of plateau busting, shirt popping, protein which has: Protein Efficiency Ratio - 3.6 Biological Value - 104 Very high. PDCAAS 1.0 (Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score) Matches highest Fed Gov's standard. Net Protein Utilization - 94% - You can use all you get! Protein Digestibility - 95% - It doesn't just get in your mouth, it gets into your muscles!!CytoGainer contains glutamine-rich partially pre-digested whey peptides for improved protein synthesis. Each serving also contains whey fractions shown to help increase IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor). Your body's responses to these whey fractions, along with the branched-chain aminos found in CytoGainer, are primarily responsible for muscle growth.HOW ABOUT THE CARBS?With no simple sugars, no fructose, and no sucrose, CytoGainer's highly complex maltodextrins from corn hybrids are specifically designed to give you a time release energy effect. You won't believe how you'll be able to power through your most intense workouts feeling strong and energized. You will also replenish muscle and liver glycogen after your workout so you can fully recover and grow!
Click here for more information about CytoSport Cyto Gainer Protein Drink Mix
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