
100% Greens & Whey Review

100% Greens and Whey
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Spirulina and alfalfa are exceptional phytonutrients...and this my friends is a protein powder. It does not taste like "whole" food. For what it is, it actually tastes fine. No need to add chocolate syrup but if you want to boost flavor add a banana to your blend, or a tablespoon of organic cocoa powder (sugar free of course). But for what it is designed to do, help you get more protein in your diet, it's better than just a straight whey protein powder in that it boosts your phyto-nutrient intake and reduces the whey a bit (both greens are good sources of protein by the way). Reduced whey is actually a good thing. Consider that it's next to impossible to find an organic whey protein powder anywhere on the market, you are drinking a very highly concentrated protein and along with it any of the toxins that come with dairy from non-sustainable, pesticide laden dairy cattle. Mix with sugar free coconut or almond milk, and it's actually very tasty and digestible *yeah they tell you they take all this stuff out, but prove it to me and I'll believe it. In any case, my picky 11 yr old drinks it and loves it!

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You need adequate protein to build muscle. 100% greens & whey powder contains 100% pure ultra-filtered/micro-filtered (uf/mf) whey protein isolate. the micro-filtration method isolates the natural whey proteins in a highly concentrated form without fat or lactose providing the quickest and most easily absorbed form of protein--no bloating, gas or stomach upset. high bcaa levels send fuel directly to your muscles while supporting positive nitrogen balance for muscles

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