
Gas-X Prevention Review

Gas-X Prevention
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I used to use Beano and had to take 2-3 to make it work and even then salads etc would cause me problems. It's not cheap either. This product is great, one capsule as you start to eat and no gas. I feel great,so much less bloating and discomfort,much less the embarrassing passing of gas. Great product.

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Gas-X Prevention is a dietary supplement and is not a drug. The food enzyme alpha galactosidase in Gas-X Prevention can help break down the complex carbohydrates found in gas producing, plant-based problem foods such as beans, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, corn, lettuce, oat bran, onions, peas, peppers, soy and whole grains into simpler carbohydrates, making them easier to digest so they don't cause gas.

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