
Biogaia Probiotic Straws, 30 Count Boxes Review

Biogaia Probiotic Straws, 30 Count Boxes
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This product was recommended by my pediatrician for my child. She's not a fan of yogurt so the doctor recommended this in lieu of eating yogurt or chewables, her tummy was better really quick. I tried buying this product at Target, Walmart, etc., but no one had them in straw form, so luckily I checked Amazon and received them really fast.

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BioGaia Probiotics are clinically proven, health fortifying, natural active cultures.The word probiotic means "for life."There is a constant battle going on in your gut between good and bad bacteria.Unfortunately, our modern lifestyle favors the bad ones which may cause diseases.The good bacteria that are natural to the body need reinforcements.BioGaia Probiotic straws contain Lactobacillus reuteri Protectis, a natural lactobacillus that helps the good guys restore a natural balance in your gut.BioGaia's L. reuteri is unique in that it is an indigenous probiotic, meaning L. reuteri's natural habitat is the human body.Scientists feel that BioGaia's L. reuteri's indigenous status is a major contributing factor to its health-enhancing effects and exceptional safety record.L. reuteri Protectis has been tested in a number of clinical studies and proven effective as well as safe for both adults and children.

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