
Twinlab 100% Whey Protein Fuel Review

Twinlab 100% Whey Protein Fuel
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This and MetRX's protein powders are my favorites, though when Amazon has this brand in stock it's less expensive per serving than MetRX. The MetRX foams up a bit more and seems a little thicker (not negatives, in my opinion); the TwinLab comes out very smooth when made in a blender. Both brands taste very good, at least when made with fat free or 1% milk (or at the very least half milk and half water).
I won't detail the nutritional info because it's available in the product description here, but like MetRX I like that this protein powder gets almost all of its calories from protein. Some protein powders have a fair amount of fat and some have A LOT of carbohydrates. Those formulas may be good for competition level bodybuilders who need to have an extremely high caloric intake because they are working out so hard, but I don't really want a protein shake that gives me a meal's worth of carbs and fat in addition to the protein. I'd rather get my carbs and fat from real food.

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100-percent Whey Protein Fuel is a dietary supplement that contains 50 grams protein (2 servings) and is naturally and artificially flavored. This supplement stimulates muscle growth and improves post-workout recovery. It is a premier concentrate that is 100-percent instantized, quick dissolving and easy-to-mix with a rich, refreshing chocolate flavor. Stimulates muscle protein anabolism, which maximizes muscle growth that occurs after exercise, by enhancing muscle building and lean tissue mass.
Clinical studies show that 100-percent whey protein is one of the most anabolic muscle building proteins available, providing a rapid drive of amino acids to skeletal muscle tissue, thereby increasing the anabolic effects of weight training. Enhanced muscle protein anabolism increase muscle growth, to maximize gains. Research also shows that 100-percent Whey Protein has one of the highest protein qualities of all proteins (as measured by the Protein Digestibility-Corrected Amino Acid Score), and has one of the highest protein efficiency ratios, providing more amino acids than most other proteins. (These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.)

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