
Dynamic Health Labs Mangosteen Juice Review

Dynamic Health Labs Mangosteen Juice
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I personally know several people who recently tried this new 100 percent mangosteen juice. The juice is "Mangosteen Queen" sold at the mangosteenjuice.ws that is similar to the Dynamic Health Gold mangosteen.
These individuals report higher energy levels probably due to sleeping better and disappearance of pains they have had prior to drinking these type of mangosteen juices.
One even received comments of looking ten years younger without soliciting for it.
I for one lost my suceptibility to allergy due to pollen in the fall; something I have had for many decades. I must admit that I only drank this pure mangosteen for maybe at most 3 days at a time for perhaps 4 times since August due to cost. Drinking it even inconsistently at 1/2 to 2/3 cup a day has its rewards apparently.

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Mangosteen is known as Queen of Fruits and the "Food of the Gods".It is primarily grown in Southeast Asia. Scientifically its name is Garcinia MangostanaL. It is traditionally recognized for its exquisite flavor and high value in natural healing properties. This product is 100% pure Organic Certified USDA Mangosteen juice, rich in naturally occuring Xanthones which are the "Key Actives" responsible for the multitude of health supporting benefits for which Mangosteen has been revered, for over 1,000 years.The Mangosteen fruit consist of 2 major parts: Pericarp - The rind that contains the highest level of xanthones.The pulp - known for being one of the tastiest fruits around.

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