
CTD Labs Aniracetam, 0.15-Pound Review

CTD Labs Aniracetam, 0.15-Pound
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The first time I took Aniracetam was extremely memorable. I took one 750mg capsule with 6 NOW Lecithin Triple Strengths (about 2.25g choline total). I had heard that Aniracetam has much more noticeable effects than Piracetam, and so I was expecting some sort of BAM. The BAM did come, but in a much different way than I expected.
I browsed the web for about an hour and a half waiting for the effects, which didn't seem to come. Then my roommate began to be incredibly annoying so I got my stuff together and left for the library to get some work done. It was deep twilight and when I stepped outside and looked at the sky I was immediately overcome by brief feeling of "where the hell am I?" The sky was a deep and majestic royal blue, of a vividness that was totally alien to me. It was truly awe-inspiring. Only then did I notice that everything else looked a bit sharper, although the sky was definitely the most changed (with red-brick buildings getting an honorable mention too). It was amazing, and I still go and gape at that sky whenever I'm on Aniracetam after sunset.
Also, Aniracetam kind of deletes boredom. Focusing on anything becomes easy. I always take one before Intro to Economics, which is a painful bore-fest otherwise. Piracetam helps too, but I've found Aniracetam to be better in this regard.
One caveat: when I work out after taking Aniracetam, I notice that I'm weaker and get tired more easily. Perhaps this has something to do with increasing nerve sensitivity rather than actually making me weaker. Who knows.
CTD Labs has the best prices for nootropics. I'd love to try a move expensive brand sometime, but they're literally twice as expensive as this stuff, and this stuff works.

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Aniracetam is an amino acid-like compound that clinically studies suggest can enhance perception, memory, focus, concentration, and creativity. Aniracetam increases communication between the two hemispheres of the brain and stimulates AMPA and NMDA receptor sites shown to be important in memory formation and concentration. results indicate that aniracetam possesses a wide range of anxiolytic properties, which may be mediated by an interaction between cholinergic, dopaminergic and serotonergic systems.

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