
(4) bags of KLERI TEA from Dr Natura colonix program Review

(4) bags of KLERI TEA from Dr Natura colonix program
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Hey, we all have issues right? I found this tea when I did a colon cleanse several years ago from Dr. Natura. The best part of it was this tea. I have issues of hardly ever getting to "go" if you know what I mean no matter that I'm slim, athletic, exercise and eat a fantastic diet. So what's a girl to do? I have tried Mirilax and all over the counter products - none help like this. It's a tea that you drink one cup of before bed. Next day you WILL go. You may experience some slight cramping but it does work and for me any slight cramping is worth it. Might take a little bit to get used to the tea taste - it's not horrible, but certainly not like Lipton. I've actually learned to like the taste of the tea. This is my tried and true remedy. I'll be taking it on vacation too as many of you know - when traveling this "issue" gets worse! If you try this, the first several times don't steep the tea bag as long - work up to longer steeping. It definitely works.

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Colonix is the most popular body cleansing and detoxification system available. A huge part of what make Colonix so effective is the Kleri Tea. It is used during the program for detoxification and to gently but effectively eliminate harmful waste from the intestines. It is used by many even after they complete the Colonix program for regularity, detoxification and to relax and soothe the body, especially before sleep. Herbal Tea for Regularity and Detoxification. 100% Natural and Vegetarian, 30 tea bags in each set for a total of 120. These teabags will stay fresh and potent for well over a year. Ingredients: Senna Leaf, Chamomile Flower, Fennel Seed, Peppermint Leaf, Rose Hip Fruit, Cinnamon Bark, Buckthorn Bark, Ginger Root, Milk Thistle Seed, Passion Fruit, Uva Ursi Leaf, and Natural Lemon Flavor.

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