
Lipoxinol (140 Caps)- Triple Action Weight Loss Accelerator Review

Lipoxinol (140 Caps)- Triple Action Weight Loss Accelerator
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Like many of us trying to lose weight, I thought this might help curb the edge and make it easier for me. It simply wasn't. I didn't notice any curbing of appetite nor did I experience any increase in my metablolism. I stayed true to a stict diet from [...] and lost only a few pounds, with hunger cravings constantly. I returned the product for my refund(read their policy carefully) and it is a good thing I sent it with a tracking number. After 2 months of no refund, I emailed them. They "never got anything" and asked if I had a tracking number. I emailed it to them and within minutes they had tracke dmy shipment and found that it had been applied to antoher persons account. I find this odd considering I wrapped the Return form, filled out, around the bottle and taped it to the bottle. The speed at which the figured out it had applied to someone elses account either leads one to believe that they have exceptional service or they are stingy about refunds and will try to use the "lost in the mail" excuse.
Check out the other reviewers - see their other reviews. They probably work for All Web Nutrition because they have all tried various weight loss products and lost several pounds on each. 1)They must be super thin now and 2)That begs the question - If they had a drug that worked why did they try another?
Draw your own conclusions but I do not reccomend this product or dealing with this client. Save your money - eat less (I know it is hard) and exercise as much as possible. You feel better and you'll save money!
Take care and God bless.

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THREE PROPRIETARY BLENDS 1. FiberzideTM is useful complex for appetite suppression containing Glucomannan and Xanthan Gum. These sources of fiber blended in a precise ratio gives the user a feeling of fullness which can lead to the consuming of significantly less calories. 2. ThermazeneTM is a powerful thermogenic blend sending your metabolism into overdrive. Energy, mental alertness and increased energy at the cellular level make this blend hugely important to achieving your weight loss goals. ThermazeneTM contains Green Tea,Caffeine,Forslean,Vinpocetine and Bioperine. 3. ThyrotremTM is a blend supporting Thyroid function. Often in times of calorie restriction thyroid function starts to slow causing the dieter to hit the dreaded "WALL" were weight loss comes to a screeching halt. ThyrotremTM with Pure E+Z Guggulsterones, Sclareolide and Kelp supports healthy thyroid function and also aids in converting T4 hormone to T3 hormone the more active and metabolic enhancing of the two thyroid hormones. No other product available contains the precise combination of ingredients that has been put in LipoxinolTM! Whether you're following a low-carb diet or just trying to make better food choices, LipoxinolTM is your secret weapon when you need to increase your metabolism, support thyroid improved function and suppress your appetite. LipoxinolTM is like taking THREE products in one! Get started now don't wait until after the holidays. Your fitness related resolutions will be just that much harder to achieve. Take LipoxinolTM now and before all of your holiday parties so that you don't overindulge. Lipoxinol helps to fill you up will an expandable fiber that makes you feel full and satisfied much quicker. It also doesn't hurt that LipoxinolTM keeps your metabolism moving either. Lipoxinol is a valuable tool during the worst time of year for weight management and self control.

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Click here for more information about Lipoxinol (140 Caps)- Triple Action Weight Loss Accelerator

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