
LG Science Lipotropic Protein, 5-Pound Review

LG Science Lipotropic Protein, 5-Pound
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this is a good protein product. It has a good amino acid profile ,its time released and everything. But its gritty (due to the pea protein in it). and the aftertaste. unless u mix it with fruit or something I can't see taking this product everyday. I want something that my taste buds won't get tired of. and this is not it.

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Lipotropic Protein is an amazing tasting nutrient dense protein that contains a precise blend of Genus Protein, Whey Concentrate, Whey Isolate, Egg Protein, Micellar Casien and Milk Protein Isolates. It is nutritionally complete and may increase fat loss. Genus protein contains advanced polyphenols that can help the body ramp up thermogenesis but we've also added in Betaine which has been used in food products and is shown in the literature to help convert nutrients to muscle vs. fat. This powerful blend gives your body all of the nutrients it needs to blast fat and increase muscle! Blended proteins may be better than single sources for increasing muscle mass due to the different release times. This unique protein source is found exclusively in LG Sciences Lipotropic Protein, making it stand above the rest.

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