
Triple Threat Bar Review

Triple Threat Bar
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This bar has a good flavor and has the crunch you crave. Don't get me wrong it by no means has that delicious but unhealthy 100 Grand bar crunchy gooey goodness, but it will do the trick to stop the craving for something crunchy and tasty. I eat this bar with some yogurt or some fruit. At work I don't like to scarf big meals like some people (everyone has a co-worker or two that just feasts at work and you wonder how are they not out like a light...wait sometimes I do look over and they are snoring LOL).

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Great taste; Energy; Nutrition. Layered. Fuels like a PowerBar. Tastes like a candy bar. PowerBar Triple Threat gives you the edge on great taste, energy and nutrition whenever you need a quick energy snack. With a layer of chocolate creme filling and soft marshmallow bits on top of a delicious graham cracker-flavored core that is covered in a rich chocolatey coating, the S'mores bar gives you taste you want in a candy bar along with the protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals you expect from PowerBar. Whenever you need a little extra - as a mid-morning snack, a mid-afternoon kick or a pre-game pick-me-up - PowerBar Triple Threat gives you the taste you want with the nutritious energy you need. Made in USA.

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