
Halotest 25 - Same Formula as origional Halodrol 50 By Gaspari - (By: Powerlab Nutrition) Review

Halotest 25 - Same Formula as origional Halodrol 50 By Gaspari - (By: Powerlab Nutrition)
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Ok FIRST off, half of the people on here do not know anything about what they are talking about. This is a PRO-HORMONE. aka an oral steroid. IT WORKS. very well actually. Just as good as the not so oral stuff ;)... just trust me on this haha.
People don't get results because 1) they don't take as directed. (2 pills before your work out? wth) 2) they don't have any kind of diet and do not eat enough of what they need because they have no idea what they are doing. 3) they don't train as often as needed.
NOW. Because this is a steroid. It will increase the rate at which the muscle is repaired and build it back bigger and stronger than normal(if you give it what it needs to do it's job, - ex. protein, carbs, healthy fats) Also you will need to work out more frequently than before because now you will be recovering much faster.( But you still need adequate time to recover, everyone is different. (if you're already sore somewhere, don't go work out that muscle group that day, that's stupid). LASTLY, you do not need to take this product if you aren't familiar with anabolics -steroids. Orals can be dangerous if you don't know what you are doing. You need to Know about diets, work out programs, etc. If you do not know much i recommend getting a book called "better than steroids, by Dr. Warren Wiley." He covers diets and a few basic workout programs. Don't be fooled by these horrible reviews. IF you know what you are doing this product will work EXTREMELY well. with just one bottle (4 week cycle) i gained 11 lbs, 7 of which was lean mass (i had my body composition checked before and after), rest was water. I added 20lbs to my bench press. FOUR WEEKS.
If you haven't been lifting for ATLEAST 3 years religiously, i mean 5-6 days a week with out taking months off at a time, DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT. Its not a miracle drug and you have to be in the gym everyday and eating GOOD FOOD every 3 hours or you wont see any results and you will have wasted 60 bucks. It is only one piece of the puzzle needed to get results.
Do your research, read, and it will work. I can guarantee it. Steroids work, that is why body builders use them. Don't agree with me? Ask every Mr. Olympia winner Starting with the famous Arnold.... GL

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Halodrol-50 was the strongest anabolic agent available in the last several years. In 2006, the FDA told manufacturers not to make any more 50mg tablets of that compound as it was deemed an anabolic steroid. However, the compound in Halodrol-50 was never classified as an illegal steroid. So in abiding by that ruling, Powerlab Nutrition introduces Halotest-25. The same compound, taken twice per day. Do the math. Get it now, laws do change... Sustained Release Halotest-25 by Powerlab Nutrition. The most potent Pro-Hormone to hit the market, Halotest-25 will give you the size and strength gains you didnt think was possible. With the 25mg per tablet Halotest matrix, Powerlab Nutrition has taken the hassles out of scoring tablets and messing around with pill cutters by providing a dosage that can be controlled more effectively. Along with the Sustained release formula you will get maximum absorption into the bloodstream making a lesser dosage more potent, and helping achieve Maximum results.

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