
Easy Sprout Sprouter - 1 set,(Frontier) Review

Easy Sprout Sprouter - 1 set,(Frontier)
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By far and away this is the best all around sprouter. I start almost all* of my seeds in this sprouter, even if they will eventually be growing straight up like wheat grass and alfalfa sprouts. Due to the drainage holes, I can use a garden nozzle to force water through the soaked seeds to give them a thorough rinsing. You cannot do this with jars. I can start 1 - 2 cup of alfalfa seeds or any seeds that will eventually grow to the green stage and let them sprout a couple days before I transfer to individual pint sprouting containers. Garbanzos or other seeds that tend to get moldy with other methods can be sprouted with success. Again this is because you can force water through for a thorough rinse.
If you only want a quart of alfalfa sprouts, you better only use a teaspoon of seeds. With practice you can remove the hulls, too, for beautiful full grown sprouts.
*Only gelatinous seeds like chia and cress and very tiny seeds like teff require a different sprouting method.

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The revolutionary system that makes sprouting amazingly convenient. Everything is easier - soaking, rinsing, sprouting, storing, and serving. Why Sprout? Easy-Sprouting turns natural seeds into tiny dynamos of energy, rich in enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and other important food values. Sprouts are as varied as the seeds chosen for sprouting and are delicious in countless ways, raw and cooked. Easy-Sprout is the ideal "finger-tip garden" anywhere and anytime. without soil or sunshine. Whether you're an old-timer at sprouting or just getting started, you'll love the convenience of Easy-Sprout. The unique dual-container system: uses heat from sprouts to circulate fresh, humidified air by convenction prevents suffocation & dehydration so sprouts need less (or NO) rinsing. grows pound batches of healthier, tastier sprouts faster with minimal effort. has a VENTED LID that is ideal for "travel sprouting" and storing sprouts in the refrigerator. Stackable, durable and easy to clean, EASY-SPROUT is made from the finest qualityfood grade materials.

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