Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)Being younger (23), a lot of test boosters simply do not work for me. The natural kinds tend to favor age for better results, like the 40's and up categories. Though the price for Animal Test tends to be high, it's VERY worth it. It works. I saw immediate strength gains in the gym and elevated mood. I also saw significant weight gains, with little fat (which doesn't matter, because the more lean muscle mass you have, the higher your metabolic rate). The ratio of the fat in the 'bulking' stage was astounding, very minimal. I changed my shape, people noticed. There are a lot of products out there that do not work. To me, the price is worth it because you know animal test works. They back their stuff with a guarantee. Who else does that? You don't need PCT after it, either. I did have a negative side effect, if I didn't get into the gym (ONCE!), I would be quick-tempered, but nothing uncontrollable. It does not give you any side effects other than an extreme motivation to pick up something heavy. But every day I did lift, I was in an elated happy mood the entire day. While on it, your body metabolizes food better as well. You're not going to be hit as hard if you mess your diet up. If you're serious about bodybuilding, stop reading this and buy it. The stuff works. Legally (though that may change if active legislation passes).
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Animal Test is the ultimate in legal hypertrophic, pro-testosterone supplementation. Combining the most potent natural extracts with one of the hottest, patented, proven supplements to hit the industry in recent years, the all new Animal Test redefines the capabilities of over-the-counter bodybuilding supplementation. The Pro-Androgen portion of the Animal Test formula couples dynamic herbal extracts designed to facilitate a rise in free and total testosterone with effective anti-estrogen compounds capable of maximizing the natural anabolic response. Translation? Explosive gains in strength and size. This complex includes the revered free test potentiator 3,4- divanillyl tetrahydrofuran with anabolic ketosterones extracted from Cissus Quadrangularis-another exciting bodybuilding ingredient. Fortified with yohimbe extract designed to enable physique recomposition and to support a healthy libido, this is only the first facet of the powerful Test formula.In order to capitalize on this blast of utilizable testosterone, Animal Test comes fully equipped with a combination of cutting edge anti-estrogens including the ultra antioxidant Trans Reservatrol with 3',5,7-Trihydroxy-4'-methoxyflavone (Hesperetin) and Agaricus Bisporus polysaccharides. These constituents work to block circulating estrogen from reaching receptors as well as negating the inevitable estrogen boost brought about by excessive testosterone production, thus directly and indirectly promoting a higher ratio of circulating serum testosterone. Both components of the Pro-Androgen complex are assured for utmost efficiency and uptake through the inclusion of 6',7' Dihydroxybergamottin and patented Bioperine-the very best absorption-enhancing ingredients available today.* Picture may be of different size or flavor
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