
Snickers Marathon Protein Bar Chocolate Nut Burst - 12 Bars Review

Snickers Marathon Protein Bar Chocolate Nut Burst - 12 Bars
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Snickers Marathon Chocolate Nut Burst Protein Bars are a middle of the road protein/energy bar. I really like the taste of these, and their 22g of protein is the highest content of any of the protein bars that I regularly eat - Cliff Builder, Kashi, and Promax being the others. They are also fairly high in electrolytes with 360mg of Sodium and 260mg of Potassium, and these are important to those who train hard and need the extra minerals. The one downside to these is that their sugar content (at least in part) comes from corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup. The other products that I mentioned avoid this by using more natural sources such as evaporated cane juice. Because of the sweetener, I do not use any of the Snickers products as my primary protein bars. I use them more as a change of pace to keep from burning out on the others. For the more nutritious conscious, I would recommend products from Cliff, Kashi, or Promax. While these are better than a regular candy bar, you can still do better.

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Snickers marathon protein bar which contains chocolate nut burstand and are high in protein content and is a excellent source of fiber

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