
Nutri-Grain Cereal Bars, Strawberry, 8-Count Bars (Pack of 6) Review

Nutri-Grain Cereal Bars, Strawberry, 8-Count Bars (Pack of 6)
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These bars are a great example of a sneaky marketing ploy by a major food corporation. By using the word "Nutri" as part of the name of the product, consumers are tricked into thinking these are healthy. These should really be called CANDY-GRAIN bars! Here's the nutritional low down:
1. These bars contain 13 grams of sugar. (Notice the first ingredient in the "filling" is strawberry preserves, made of high fructose corn syrup and strawberries. The next ingredient is...corn syrup, followed by fructose, which is also a sweetener.) More sweeteners appear on down the ingredients list. Out of the 140 calories in this tiny bar, 62 calories come from sugar.
2. These bars have partially hydrogenated oil in them. That's the type of oil that contains artery clogging trans fat. Yuck.
3. They contain less than 1 gram of fiber. That means that the bars include very, very little whole grain or fruit, either of which would increase fiber content.
4. They do contain some vitamins. But these are all in the form of additives. (They are listed at the end of the ingredient list.) Essentially, they've ground up a bit of a vitamin pill into each bar. Obviously, there's no need to eat candy to get powdered vitamins. If you want the extra vitamins--just take a vitamin pill!
5. While they were at it, they added 5% DV of sodium per bar.
I am not opposed to enjoying junk food now and then. If these bars tasted great, I might indulge in one as dessert from time to time. However, there's lots of junk food I like better...so I won't bother with these bars. A better choice, for taste and nutrition, is Kashi TLC Crunchy Granola Bar - Pumpkin Spice Flax, 6 - 1.4 oz Bars, 8.4 oz or one of the other Kashi bars. Or real strawberries, of course!
PG, author of Feeding the Kids: The Flexible, No-Battles, Healthy Eating System for the Whole Family

Click Here to see more reviews about: Nutri-Grain Cereal Bars, Strawberry, 8-Count Bars (Pack of 6)

Kellogg's Nutri-Grain Cereal Bars, Strawberry, low fat is made with whole grain oats. This tear strip pack keeps you going in the right direction. Kellogg's Nutri-Grain with real fruit is also an excellent source of calcium. With real fruit and whole oats, Kellogg's Nutri-Grain has the energy you need for the whole day.

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