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(More customer reviews)This is one of the best drink i have ever tried. Great for people with high blood preasure, diabetes, fibromyalgia, fatigue syndrom and stress. You pick.
La cochocha
Click Here to see more reviews about: Gano Cafe 3-in-1 by Gano Excel USA Inc.
"Gano Caf is a nutritious health beverage that is made from Ganoderma extract, high quality coffee, non-dairy creamer and sugar. Gano Caf is the first known beverage in the world that comes in a combination of coffee and Ganoderma brought to you exclusively by Gano Excel.What is it?Western culture has often had mixed views about the use of herbal supplements throughout the years; however for Eastern cultures, it is almost considered a way of life. With people in North America looking for alternatives to better health, the properties and benefits of Ganoderma Lucidum have become of interest and appeal. Ganoderma Lucidum is a mushroom. But not an ordinary Mushroom. A Red Mushroom. A Red Mushroom that dates back over 4,000. Ancient generations prized this mushroom for its medicinal properties promoting health and well-being. This mushroom is also known as Lingzhi in China, Reishi in Japan, and Youngzhi in Korea. Ganoderma Lucidum is a rare, special mushroom created only when conditions are right. In nature, when the proper nutrients (i.e., dead organic matter or soil) are present with the appropriate environmental conditions, Ganoderma Lucidum will exist. Ganoderma will grow in densely wooded mountain forests of high humidity and dim lighting, and typically, on dried trunks of dead trees. According to research, out 10,000 dead tree trunks, only about 2 or 3 will show a growth of Ganoderma. For this reason, this particular species of mushroom has been very scarce. How notable and valuable is Ganoderma? The first Emperor of the Chin Dynasty (221-206 BCE) sent 500 attractive men and 500 beautiful women in search of this herb said to be located on a mysterious island. They never returned. Legend says it was these people who colonized Japan. What does it do for me?In todays fast-paced society, there are many opportunities for our body functions to become imbalanced. We are constantly on the go, moving from one-place to another."
Click here for more information about Gano Cafe 3-in-1 by Gano Excel USA Inc.
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