
Madre Labs, Madre-C, Whole-Food Vitamin C Complex, 180 g (6.35 oz) Review

Madre Labs, Madre-C, Whole-Food Vitamin C Complex, 180 g (6.35 oz)
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I love this vitamin C! It's the only one I have found that is totally plant sourced and not from ascorbic acid that is made from heating corn starch. All of the acerola powders I have bought have added maltodextrin too, which this C doesn't have. Love that too. It is easy on the stomach too, which I can't say for most of the ascorbic acid products I've bought, buffered or not. I hope they never stop making this stuff!

Click Here to see more reviews about: Madre Labs, Madre-C, Whole-Food Vitamin C Complex, 180 g (6.35 oz)

Madre-CTM is an Innovative Whole-Food Based Vitamin C Complex. Buffered by Nature - Gentle - Bioavailable Madre-CTM is a unique 100% Natural Whole-Food Vitamin C Complex, designed to supply the body with high quality, naturally-derived Vitamin C from: Wildcrafted Camu Camu Berries, Wildcrafted Rose Hips and Organic Acerola Berries. Also, in this natural formula, we have included Amla (Indian Gooseberry) fruit extract, rich in specific tannins believed to work synergistically to help stabilize Vitamin C.Madre-CTM is designed to help support: Free Radical Scavenging* Healthy Immune Function & Skin Health* 100% Natural -- No added sugars, flavors, artificial sweeteners or colors of any kind!

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Click here for more information about Madre Labs, Madre-C, Whole-Food Vitamin C Complex, 180 g (6.35 oz)


Acai Berry Supreme Extract Fruit Capsules- Powerful Antioxidant- 1200mg Per Serving- 60 Capsules Review

Acai Berry Supreme Extract Fruit Capsules- Powerful Antioxidant- 1200mg Per Serving- 60 Capsules
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I am going to encourage anyone who is looking at Acai Berry to give this product a try. I was skeptical and here's why. I seriously would only have one (maybe two) bowel movements PER WEEK. And nothing worked for me to lose these final "stubborn" pounds. I now have at least one DAILY regular bowel movement and I have lost almost 15 pounds. My jeans fit again and I have a lot more confidence. I don't know if it will work for everyone, but I am thrilled to say that Acai Berry Supreme has worked for me over the past two months. I also have more energy and sleep better at nights, just like they said it would do. I am now exercising more regularly because I have the energy and motivation to do it. I feel a lot better! So, it's defintely working for me. Good luck! -Cris

Click Here to see more reviews about: Acai Berry Supreme Extract Fruit Capsules- Powerful Antioxidant- 1200mg Per Serving- 60 Capsules

Not all Acai Berry is the same....Acai Berry Supreme Antioxidant is the finest Premium source of Acai Berry available today. It is an incredibly rich source of antioxidants. It even functions as an all-natural weight loss and gentle cleanse formula.Acai Berry Supreme Antioxidant has the most potent and pure Acai Berry grown by certified growers and bottled according to the most recent FDA GMP Standards.Comes with the Hop Hopkins quality seal and return guarantee!

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Click here for more information about Acai Berry Supreme Extract Fruit Capsules- Powerful Antioxidant- 1200mg Per Serving- 60 Capsules


The Original Dr. Hayashi Hydrogen Rich Water Stick Review

The Original Dr. Hayashi Hydrogen Rich Water Stick
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I revised this review to make it more readable. The scientific citations have been moved to the end and new headings have been created. Those readers who want details and rigor can refer to the NOTES AND REFERENCES section at the end of the review. If this is not enough, the interested reader can Google the original articles and read them for him- or herself.
There is no way that buying a $875 - $4000 machine was in the cards for me, so I performed no investigation on alkaline water. Maybe alkaline water works; maybe it doesn't. I was interested in Hayashi's claim that it was the hydrogen dissolved in the water that has a therapeutic effect rather than in the water's alkalinity or Oxidation/Reduction Potential.
I do not sell Hydrogen Sticks, nor do I have any financial interest in the sale of Hydrogen Sticks.
What follows is not to be construed as medical advice.
While I have attempted to perform a sanity check for myself, this sanity check was to informal personal standards which may not satisfy the standards of a given reader.
Alkaline Tap Water. The hydrogen stick relies on a chemical reaction between water and metallic magnesium: Mg + 2H2O -> Mg (OH)2 + H2. This reaction proceeds faster in an acidic environment and slower in an alkaline environment. Therefore, if your tap water is exceptionally alkaline, the hydrogen stick is probably not for you, unless you are willing to use bottled water instead of tap water. Or instead of using bottled water, maybe you could acidify the tap water with vinegar, bringing it to a more neutral pH - it's worth a try. On the other hand, if your water is really acidic, my guess is that the hydrogen stick will produce bubbles like crazy but probably won't last very long. Any water with a fairly neutral pH - say 7.0 or 8.0 - should be fine. 636cathleen (creator of the "Don't Buy the Hydrogen Stick" YouTube videos) has tap water that is extremely alkaline - pH 10.1, so her poor results with the Hydrogen Stick are understandable and predictable.
Drinking Habits - You Like to Drink Water Constantly Throughout the Day. The instructions for the stick emphasize that once you get it wet, you need to keep it wet. If you are the kind of person who sucks water all day long from a bottle, keeping the stick wet can be a problem - especially if you plan to use multiple sticks in a single bottle. Sergey Manukyan's review mentions the difficulty of maintaining the stick, and he makes an excellent point. I am not a big water drinker, so this problem didn't affect me, but if you are someone who wants to drink hydrogen-rich water all day long, keeping your bottle topped off will be a pain. Personally, I chug a bunch of hydrogen-rich water in the morning, top off, and then chug a bunch more at night and top off again. If you sip water all day long, it would be a hassle to keep the bottle topped off - you'd need a source of water and a way to top off the hydrogen water bottle without spilling the water and making a mess. If you happen to be near a drinking fountain or a Sparkletts water dispenser this is probably not a big deal, but if you don't have ready access to a water supply it's something to seriously consider before buying the stick.
I first stumbled across Hydrogen Sticks on eBay, when I searched for "alkaline water ionizer" and strange entries about plastic sticks and other entries about assorted rocks encased in stainless steel sticks popped up. I read an Ebay description for the Hydrogen-Rich Water Stick (Water Ionizer Outperforms Machines alkaline ORP pH) with a great deal of skepticism, but decided to do a little research before discounting it - primarily due to the huge difference between the cost of the Hydrogen-Rich Water Stick and that of a typical water-ionizer machine ($75 vs. $875-4000).
It Really Does Put Hydrogen Gas Into Water. The presence of molecular hydrogen gas in water treated with a Hydrogen Stick was confirmed by a scientific study: "The hydrogen concentration in a water bottle was maintained between 0.55 and 0.65 mM over an 8 week period." (H2 exists as a gas at Standard Temperature and Pressure.) However, the study used 2 sticks per 500ml - four times the concentration of the 1 stick per 1L that I use.
Antioxidant Activity. Molecular hydrogen, H2, specifically targets the hydroxyl radical - a Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) that is one of the most plentiful and virulent species, and which evidently does not play a part in cell regulation ("Hydrogen acts as a therapeutic antioxidant by selectively reducing cytotoxic oxygen radicals").
Health Benefits. According to a scientific study, drinking hydrogen rich water for 8 weeks resulted in a 39% increase in the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) and a 43% decrease in thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) in urine (TBARS are a measure of the oxidized and damaged fats in your body). Additionally, an 8% increase in high density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol and a 13% decrease in total cholesterol/HDL-cholesterol was observed from baseline to week 4. If you want to boost your SOD levels by 40%, $75 for a 6-month supply is a bargain compared to the cost of supplements that would accomplish the same thing over the same time period. And improving your HDL/LDL ratio by 13% by merely drinking water every day seems like an easy way to improve that statistic (though I am no fan of the cholesterol scam, and once spent $350 of my own money just to get my doctor off of my back about my cholesterol levels).
Safety. "The portable magnesium stick was a safe, easy and effective method of delivering hydrogen rich water for daily consumption by participants in the study."
I Got to Perform a Personal Experiment Where a Placebo Effect Was Unlikely to Occur. I found a Hayashi article where he describes what he means by "hydrogen rich water" ("Japanese Cardiologist Dr. Hayashi's Two types of Water"). Oddly enough, this article was featured on a "Kangen Water" site, yet in it Hayashi claims that it is hydrogen-rich water that really matters, rather than pH or ORP. In his article, Hayashi says, "A week or two after people begin to use Hydrogen Rich Water, they notice that their feces have literally changed in comparison to when they were using tap water (hydrogen poor water). That is, the "blackish brown, bad-smelling, hard, heavy feces" of the tap water days changed to "light brown, soft, light feces without a strong bad odor" similar to the bowel movements that appear in the diapers of a breastfed baby...We adults tend to think that it is natural for adults feces to have a bad smell, but this is actually a great misconception...Every breastfeeding mother knows from her experience that when her baby has light- colored soft stool with very little bad odor, she can be sure that the baby is healthy, drinking plenty of breast milk, and growing well. On the other hand, when the baby has "blackish, bad-smelling, hard stool," the baby is cranky and feverish, and sometimes vomits up milk. The condition of producing offensive feces is generally called abnormal fermentation of gastrointestinal tract, which indicates the opposite of normal fermentation, but simply put, it is "decay." In other words, if the food we take in by mouth has a rotten smell (bad smell) when it is excreted from the anus, this means abnormal fermentation has taken place." Softer, less smelly stools can be easily verified, and it would be difficult to trick the body into making them.
Don't clean it any more than you have to. If you put it in an acid such as vinegar, the magnesium will be consumed at an accelerated rate, and your stick will not last as long. Obviously, if your stick is dead and doesn't produce bubbles any more, it's time to stick it into some vinegar that's been diluted 4:1 and hope that it comes back to life. Or if it starts looking green and moldy, by all means clean it - use common sense.
I use an old Schweppes Tonic Water bottle, because the closure seems secure. It seems to work fine, and the price was right.
Once or twice a week, I dump out all of the water, rinse off the stick, and vigorously rinse out the bottle. Just in case something has started to putrefy or I have some old germs in the water.
I originally used tap water, but I like the taste of Arrowhead bottled water better. This is all personal taste, and I doubt that it makes any difference on any therapeutic effects that the water might have.
I try not to have too big or too tiny of an air bubble inside of the bottle. If the bubble is too small, there doesn't seem to be as much hydrogen gas in the water (but this could be a hallucination - please reread the title of this section!). If the bubble is too large, I'm afraid that I'm producing a bunch of hydrogen gas that will be instantly blown off as soon as I open the bottle. I generally leave a bubble that includes the neck of the bottle and maybe 1/3" - 1/2" of the top of the shoulder.
I top off the bottle as soon as I take a drink. I try to pour the water into my open mouth rather than sucking on the bottle, to avoid backwashing and potentially contaminating the bottle with food particulates. I attempt to pour the refill water down the side of the bottle rather than splashing it into the center, because I have a superstition that the more the water is agitated, the more hydrogen gas will be dislodged and escape out of the open mouth of the bottle. Pouring water down the side of the bottle will ideally cause no bubbles or cavitation, leading to a...Read more›

Click Here to see more reviews about: The Original Dr. Hayashi Hydrogen Rich Water Stick

Dr. H. Hayashi, a Cardiovascular Surgeon from Japan, has developed a hydrogen producing mineral stick, more commonly referred to as the Hydrogen Rich Water Stick. The Hydrogen Rich Water Sticks are backed by 25 years of clinical research and a patented delivery system. The Hydrogen Rich Water Sticks go far beyond the health benefits of Ionized Water for people who demand the very best health promoting water they can drink. * Detoxifies your entire body * Builds younger looking skin * Helps heal ulcers and sores * Provides stronger & thicker hair * Aids in reducing blood pressure * Slows free radical body damage * Aids in lowering cholesterol levels * Helps the body flush heavy metals * Aids in absorption of supplements * Improvement of allergies & asthma * Aids in increasing blood circulation * Aids in lowering saturated fat levels * Stabilizes health & supports healing * Improvement of peripheral circulation * Aids in reducing cellulite and wrinkles * Improves memory in aged individuals * Hydrates you six times more than ordinary water * Supports proper pH by reducing acidic conditions * Improvement of chronic constipation & diarrhea * Improvement of blood glucose & hba1c levels in diabetes mellitusEasy to use - Simply rinse the Hydrogen Water Stick under the facet for a minute or two. Then insert the Hydrogen Rich Water Stick into your water bottle and close the water bottle's lid. In15 minutes, you will be able to enjoy these added benefits of Hydrogen Rich Water for your health, beauty and vitality. Once the sticks become saturated, they will sink to the bottom of your water bottle.

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Click here for more information about The Original Dr. Hayashi Hydrogen Rich Water Stick


Silvermark Microfiber Kitchen Cloths Review

Silvermark  Microfiber Kitchen Cloths
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I purchased 4 boxes because I needed to replace old towels. Each box came with 3 towels and all were made for different purposes. One is to polish with. So basically I had 4 towels I could not use. I now it listed other purposes but, I needed dish cloths. These cloths were not made for the kitchen. They are thin and when wet roll up into a ball like paper towel.
You might be able to use one out of each box for the kitchen.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Silvermark Microfiber Kitchen Cloths

The perfect accessory for food prep, cleaning and drying. Made of ultra-fine blend of 80% polyester and 20% poymide these microfiber cloths can absorb up to 7 times there own weight in liquids.

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Yes Parent Essential Oils Review

Yes Parent Essential Oils
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We do get omega 6 in our diet. However the quality of the 6 is highly compromised. This is one of the best oils on the market. Stay away from fish oil.

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Because they REALLY Work! Many of our customers refer to Brian Peskin's YESTM EFA's as "liquid gold." Unlike most commercial oil supplements, YESTM EFA's are produced in small, limited quantities. The oils have no pesticides and have organic certification. After low temperature pressing, we use special capsules with low oxygen permeability to protect the precious oils so no refrigeration is required. Since no fish oils are ever used, there is no "fishy" aftertaste or dangerous toxins. And you can rest assured that you receive "parent" oils, not the harmful overdoses of "derivatives," as found in so many commercial products. Don't settle for less than the very best!

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Rainbow Light Protein Energizer Food-Based Dietary Supplement Powder Vanilla Flavor 17-Ounce Bags (Pack of 2) Review

Rainbow Light Protein Energizer Food-Based Dietary Supplement Powder  Vanilla Flavor  17-Ounce Bags (Pack of 2)
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When the container is opened, the smell is reminiscent of "Play Doh" - clay/chalk-like. The taste is very much like what it must be like if you mowed your lawn and then let it dry, and then blended that up and put it in a drink and consumed it.
I cannot stress enough the taste is terrible.
That said, the fiber, low carbs, rice protein, and ginseng in it (normal and eleuthero) actively make me feel better after drinking it. More energy with no jitters.
To mask the awful flavor, I usually use another whey protein powder that is chocolate to mask the flavor of this stuff - two or three scoops of the other one and one of this, into 14-18oz of reduced fat milk, cold, and then after stirring it up drink it as fast as possible.
If you are looking for something delicious, this is not for you. If you are looking for additional protein and fiber in your diet, with low carbs as well, this is a great product (and Amazon has it cheaper than my local stores, and it ships "free" with Prime).

Click Here to see more reviews about: Rainbow Light Protein Energizer Food-Based Dietary Supplement Powder Vanilla Flavor 17-Ounce Bags (Pack of 2)

Rainbow Light Protein Energizer Food-Based Dietary Supplement Powder combine nutrients, foods and herbs that address the total body to promote optimal health. No soy, dairy or added sugar.

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Click here for more information about Rainbow Light Protein Energizer Food-Based Dietary Supplement Powder Vanilla Flavor 17-Ounce Bags (Pack of 2)


Sundown Naturals Cranberry Fruit, 475mg, Capsules Review

Sundown Naturals Cranberry Fruit, 475mg, Capsules
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I have used this product for over five years and have had good results keeping my UTI's down to a minimum. Don't really know if it's because of this product, but while taking it they are less and that's a good thing. I am a paraplegic and have UTI's at least three times a year. I drink lots of water, take cranberry fruit and I'm satisfied with only having two UTI's a year (using a catheter). Thank you!!!

Click Here to see more reviews about: Sundown Naturals Cranberry Fruit, 475mg, Capsules

Herbal Supplement. Benefits Healthy Urinary Function* 100% Guaranteed Quality. Natural Whole Herb. Sundown's Cranberry Fruit is a convenient way to get the full spectrum of cranberry's natural beneficial compounds. Questions? Call toll free 1-888-VITA-HELP. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.Serving size, 4 Capsules; servings per container, 50 Calories: 5 Calories from Fat: Total Carbohydrate: 1g,

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Click here for more information about Sundown Naturals Cranberry Fruit, 475mg, Capsules


Drive Review

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Outstanding Results!!!!!!! I have used this product many times in the past and have always had great results:
Fat Loss
High Libido
Alpha Male feeling
Lowered Estrogen
Lean Mass
This is one of my favorite supplements of all time.

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Osteobolin-C™ is a product that every athlete, bodybuilder or person over 30 needs to incorporate into their daily supplementation regimen. The primary ingredient in Osteobolin-C™ is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory that has been proven in published laboratory research to promote bone and connective tissue repair. Additionally, the active ingredients in Osteobolin-C™ promote muscle growth due to the pronounced anti-catabolic effects form blocking cortisol. Osteobolin-C™ users experience dramatic reduction in joint pain and increased mobility, along with accelerated recovery time after hard workouts or injury.

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Twinlab Yeast Fighters Review

Twinlab Yeast Fighters
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So many of us with Celiac and gluten intolerance have problems with yeast. This product really helps! I need to get some more right now! If you have issues with yeast and have food allergies, intolerances or sensitivities, this is the product for you!

Click Here to see more reviews about: Twinlab Yeast Fighters

Dietary supplement. Extra strength biotin capsule concentrate. Approved for allergy sensitive individual. Free of tablet coatings, binders and colors. No soy, yeast, wheat, egg, citrus and all milk products.

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Spry Rain Oral Mist Spray (134 mL) 4.50 Ounces Review

Spry Rain Oral Mist Spray (134 mL) 4.50 Ounces
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Terrific for dry mouth. My hygenist says it also has been shown to reduce cavities.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Spry Rain Oral Mist Spray (134 mL) 4.50 Ounces

RainTM Oral Mist is the newest part of the SpryTM Dental Defense System of products. It moisturizes the gums and tissues in the mouth with safe and effective xylitol, an all-natural sweetener derived from the fibrous portions of plants. Rain Oral Mist was developed to improve overall oral health by providing nutrients which have moisturizing effects and encourage salivation. Rain has a natural spearmint flavor which helps to freshen breath and can be used as often as needed to provide soothing relief and moisture to dry or irritated mouth tissues. Tips for use: Designed to moisturize a dry mouthHigh content of xylitol Provides calcium All natural ingredients Great tasting formula Dentist recommended

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Important Note: Not sure how this happened but my review apparently has been moved to a different product. Weird. Just to be clear my review is for SCIVATION XTEND's BCAA product! Scivation Xtend, Watermelon 90 Servings, 1 Bottle
Relatively speaking, I believe that this is the best BCAA product around as it also contains Citrulline Malate and Glutamine, most other similar products do not. It's great to drink pre, during and post workout. I usually just take 1-2 scoops pre and 2-3 scoops during my workout. It really does help in reducing your recovery time, in boosting your energy levels (endurance) and giving you a nice pump during your workouts.
I've tried the lemonade (5/5 stars) and watermelon (4/5) flavor, which in my opinion taste great.
The lemonade flavor is really strong and tangy, a little bitter if not mixed well though. The best way to really mix xtend is by using a shaker cup, then letting it sit for a few minutes. It takes a few minutes to really dissolve, once it does it rarely (if ever) tastes bitter. The watermelon taste good too (almost like a jolly rancher), a little more subtle and sweeter than the lemonade flavor but still very good. You really can't go wrong with either, but I prefer the lemonade flavor.

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Mojo Bar Review

Mojo Bar
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Sticky-gooey, of quite substantial size, with great consistency and an AWESOME blend of lots of almonds, peanuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, pretzel sticks, sweet raisins, and smooth dark chocolate chips. Chewy (Rice Krispy-like tear-apart consistency), but with a crunch; sweet and salty -- a very filling snack and great source of healthy fat: 8g fat (zero trans-, and only 1.5g saturated) with 7g protein and 2g fiber. Also, unlike many other "healthy"/"nutrition" snack bars, includes potassium, vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium. If you're sensitive to them, perhaps you'd prefer less sugar (12g) or sodium (220g), but, overall, a real treat.

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-70% Organic-9g Protein-No Trans Fat-Low GlycemicNot your ordinary snack.So there's this trail mix bar, right? We call it CLIF Mojo. Folks tell us it's pretty darn good.CLIF Mojo is all about getting out there, trying new things, combining new flavors and textures, and respecting the planet by using as many organic ingredients as possible.And because it's got all sorts of sweet and salty stuff in it, your body will dig it too. CLIF Mojo. Get some.* Picture may be of different size or flavor

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Scandishake Vanilla Mix, By Axcan Scandipharm - 85 GM X 4 Ea Review

Scandishake Vanilla Mix, By Axcan Scandipharm - 85 GM X 4 Ea
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My 2 youngest children have CF - in order to give them the calories they need without them have a different meal from the other kids --- we mixed Scandishake into their milk. My little CFers loved their "special milk" and the other kids didn't feel like they missed out on a thing!!

Click Here to see more reviews about: Scandishake Vanilla Mix, By Axcan Scandipharm - 85 GM X 4 Ea

INDICATIONS: ScandiShake Instant Shake Mix Scandishake calorie-rich supplement is designed to assist medically challenged patients who need to maintain or gain weight.

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SlimFast 200 Calorie, Chewy Chocolate Crisp, Meal Bar 5-1.65-Ounce Bars Box (Pack of 8) Review

SlimFast 200 Calorie, Chewy Chocolate Crisp, Meal Bar 5-1.65-Ounce Bars Box  (Pack of 8)
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This one doesn't taste too bad, but its so chewy its over the top. Like trying to eat melted rubber kinda chewy.

Click Here to see more reviews about: SlimFast 200 Calorie, Chewy Chocolate Crisp, Meal Bar 5-1.65-Ounce Bars Box (Pack of 8)

SlimFast helps you reduce your calorie intake by providing portion control along with good nutrition. The plan features two daily SlimFast Meals – delicious, satisfying, nutritionally balanced shakes or meal bars, along with a sensible meal and three healthy snacks. It's easy to follow – and as easy as 3, 2, 1.

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PRO FIBER Enzymes Review

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Quite simply, this is the most complete fiber product I've ever found. Surprisingly, I didn't find it at the health food store -- but rather a body building supply shop! The product description pretty much tells it all. Probiotics, Soluble and Insoluble fiber (Fibersol 2, oat, pea, & bamboo), and digestive enzymes to help you get more out of your meal. You get about 50 scoops out of each container, so the cost is reasonable compared to buying all those components by themselves.

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PROFIBER + ENZYMES is a comprehensive formula designed to support digestive and intestinal health, may assist in fat loss, and aid in lowering cholesterol levels and cardiovascular risk.Our potent enzyme blend is ideal for high protein diets, and for those individuals looking to utilize the maximum amount of nutrients in their diet. PROFIBER also contains Lactospore 15 Billion, a stable probiotic which survives gastric secretions and reaches the intestine safely.This allows the formation of "healthy" antagonistic substances to inhibit the growth of pathogenic "bad" bacteria, thus improving intestinal and overall health.* Picture may be of different size or flavor

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Macro Greens Apple Lemon Ginger - Box - 12 Bars - 1 Box Review

Macro Greens Apple Lemon Ginger - Box - 12 Bars - 1 Box
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We picked up this bar one night at the gym for my 18 month old. The bar was soft and chewy and chock full of great ingredients. So I felt good about giving it to her. She begged for one every time we went to the gym, but of course they were crazy expensive there. So I hopped on amazon and found the box of 12 at half the price of the gym. They arrived right away, we will keep ordering them here.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Macro Greens Apple Lemon Ginger - Box - 12 Bars - 1 Box

Natures Perfect Super Food - The exceptional taste of our MacroLife Bars is derived from fresh, raw, certified organic, vegan, whole food ingredients that do not contain preservatives, or artificial flavors/ingredients and promote health and wellness. Live Well!

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Click here for more information about Macro Greens Apple Lemon Ginger - Box - 12 Bars - 1 Box


Glucerna Meal Bar for People with Diabetes, Chocolate Chunk 4 ea Review

Glucerna Meal Bar for People with Diabetes, Chocolate Chunk 4 ea
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I was surprised by the great taste and great texture. I could easily have one of these as a meal replacement or just for that afternoon low. I gave a piece to a two and one year old and they both liked it too. So you have thier seal of approval, and we all know how picky kids are. Well worth the money - you can't go wrong buying these. ENJOY!

Click Here to see more reviews about: Glucerna Meal Bar for People with Diabetes, Chocolate Chunk 4 ea

Clinically shown to help manage blood glucose levels. Naturally & artificially flavored. Specially designed for people with diabetes as a convenient meal replacement. Each Glucerna Meal Bar contains a unique blend of slowly digested carbohydrates that is clinically shown to help manage blood glucose levels in people with diabetes. High in calcium for bone health. Antioxidants to help protect against cell damage. B Vitamins to support energy metabolism. Chromium to help support glucose tolerance. Protein to help support muscle mass. Exchanges: 2 Starch, 1/2 Lean Meat, 1 Fat. (Exchanges have been adjusted to account for sugar alcohols. Calculated using Exchange Lists for Meal Planning, American Diabetes Assn, Inc. & American Dietetic Assn, 2003.)

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