
PRO FIBER Enzymes Review

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Quite simply, this is the most complete fiber product I've ever found. Surprisingly, I didn't find it at the health food store -- but rather a body building supply shop! The product description pretty much tells it all. Probiotics, Soluble and Insoluble fiber (Fibersol 2, oat, pea, & bamboo), and digestive enzymes to help you get more out of your meal. You get about 50 scoops out of each container, so the cost is reasonable compared to buying all those components by themselves.

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PROFIBER + ENZYMES is a comprehensive formula designed to support digestive and intestinal health, may assist in fat loss, and aid in lowering cholesterol levels and cardiovascular risk.Our potent enzyme blend is ideal for high protein diets, and for those individuals looking to utilize the maximum amount of nutrients in their diet. PROFIBER also contains Lactospore 15 Billion, a stable probiotic which survives gastric secretions and reaches the intestine safely.This allows the formation of "healthy" antagonistic substances to inhibit the growth of pathogenic "bad" bacteria, thus improving intestinal and overall health.* Picture may be of different size or flavor

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