
Nature's Best - Perfect Zero Carb Isopure - Strawberry, 3.3 lb powder Review

Nature's Best - Perfect Zero Carb Isopure - Strawberry, 3.3 lb powder
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As a bodybuilder, I consume 50-100g of protein powder per day. I am lactose intolerant.
Having experimented with numerous brands and types of protein powders, I have found this product to be the best for me.
I wish it were a bit cheaper to be honest...but it is an isolate protein which is due to the extra refining it undergoes. From a taste perspective, it's okay. Palatable and you get used to it. It's not chalky but don't expect vanilla pudding taste here either. As the granules are very tiny (microlyzed) which is par for isolates...this stuff dissolves well even in water (which is what I consume it with).
It does not give me gas and doesn't appear to have any effect on my bowel movements which whey protein, unfortunately, does.
This product is fortified with essential micronutrients (except iron which is good!) including healthy amounts of potassium...essential electrolyte for post workout. Note: Most weightlifters get adequate iron from their diet or other supplements and seek to control it.
This powder also has BCAAs in it...
3465mg of isoleucine
7865mg of leucine
3080mg of valine
4.6g of L-Glutamine
These are very nice for post-workout recovery...and saves having to add BCAAs seperately (which can get very expensive). Note that the ratios of the BCAAs are proper as well.
Lastly, and most importantly, I have definitely been adding muscle since I've started using this over the last 3-4 months. So, ultimately, if you need a protein powder to augment your weightlifting routine...this is a good choice providing you need a lactose free product. Otherwise, if you can tolerate lactose, you might want to consider a whey protein as it is about half the price.

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Dietary SupplementWith 50 Grams of Protein from 100% Whey Protein IsolateCookies & Cream Nature's BestNature's Best® Perfect® Zero Carb Isopure® contains 50 grams of 100% Whey Protein Isolate. Any and all impurities typically found in most whey proteins have been removed to provide you with a great tasting, lactose free, glutamine enriched, state of the art carbohydrate free protein supplement.Nature's Best set out to create a product that didn't hide anything from its customers. We wanted you to know that you're purchasing the best product available on the market. Our protein Isolate. We didn't try to confuse you by listing a protein blend that doesn't tell you how much of the product is superior whey protein isolate and how much is whey protein concentrate of sweet whey or some other inferior protein source.Furthermore, Isopure contains 0g of sugar and is instant zed so it can be taken anywhere and mixed with spoon.Isopure's Major Proteins Include:Beta-lactoglobulin 55 - 62% Alpha-lactabumin 19 - 22% Immunoglobulin 9 - 10% Bovine Serum Albmin 6 - 8% Lactoferrin .5 - 1%In addition, Isopure is rich in branched chain amino acids and glutamine.Each Serving of Isopure Contains:3465mg of isoleucine 7865mg of leucine 30380mg of caline 4.6g of L-GlutamineIt's So Pure The Protein Dissolves Clear.In addition to dissolving clear, Isopure protein is also light and easy to drink. The protein used in Perfect Isopure doesn't have the properties typically associated with a milk protein. It doesn't look, smell or taste like milk. We isolated the whey protein molecules and eliminated the impurities to provide you with the purest product of its kind.You'll note when you mix Isopure powder the results are cloudy. This is due to the addition of valuable vitamins, minerals and flavorings. However, the proof is in our 20oz ready-to-drink Zero Carb Isopure bottles. Please check out our

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