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(More customer reviews)I have tried other products with no results. I got the information on Bowtrol from their web site and ordered on Amazon.
I was feeling very bloated and constipated every time I ate. I had a lump in my gut that didn't want to move. It almost felt like if I didn't go to the bathroom soon the stuff inside would come back into my stomach.
I have been using this for 3 months now and have lost 15 lbs. I was not concerned about loosing weight as much as wanting relief. After a month of use I have changed my diet to include at least 50% fresh raw food (veg and fruit, can't stomach the idea of raw meat of any kind).
I researched the process of colon cleansing so I was aware of the symptoms to expect. As you clean out the colon of old fecal matter, the lining that allows nutrients to be absorbed into the body is cleared and will allow the toxins to get into the blood stream also and would make you feel sick until you get your colon cleaned out. I prepared for this by drinking more pure water, gentle extercise and getting more fresh veggies, fruits and raw nuts into my diet.
I also found on another web site the purpose of taking a 6 month colon cleanse versus a 7 day or 1 month cleanses. As you clean out your colon you need to give it time to heal and return to normal size and function.
After being on it for 1 month I got my husband to try it and he is doing very well. He is 53 years old and had the stregnth of a 75 year old. We have a family room and computer room in the basement and for the last year he stopped going down there because he could walk back up the stairs. He is now able to walk back up the stairs and is getting stronger every day.
All I know is it works and I am so glad I found this product.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Bowtrol Colon Cleanser - 1 Bottle (1 month supply)
COLON CLEANSER is a highly effective herbal combination used to moisten, lubricate and cleanse the intestinal tract and promote bowel movements.This formulation has broad beneficial potential in the treatment of constipation, intestinal toxicity, intestinal upset and inflammation, abdominal distension and intestinal gas, purifies the intestines, eliminates food stagnation by removing old food stuff, and clears intestinal microorganisms and toxins. Bowel cleansing is a vital and important step in the treatment of most disease processes. COLON CLEANSER is also beneficial for the reduction of water retention or water weight. By increased elimination of old fecal matter and intestinal toxins, weight loss and reduced bloating can be achieved with the use of COLON CLEANSER.
Click here for more information about Bowtrol Colon Cleanser - 1 Bottle (1 month supply)
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