
Anabolic Rush Review

Anabolic Rush
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I have been using ast anabolic rush for a while now. I am 45 years old and lift weights with rope jumping mixed into my sets for 90 minutes/4 days a week. This product gets me through my workout with extra energy and has beta-alanine and creatine mixes for recovery. I use two sccops when I use this. I think anymore for my small frame would be an overload....new users might want to start with one scoop to see how the energy (caffeine) affects them. Lift Heavy!!!

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Introducing Anabolic Rush Blue Raspeberry ! Your new weapon for maximum muscle growth and workout performance. Building strong lean muscle - an elite athlete's physique - takes hard work. It takes a lot of sweat, a lot of pain and a lot of sacrifice. It's not easy. If it was everyone would be walking around with 220 pounds of sliced and diced muscle mass. One thing about it though, when it comes to building muscle, there's one person you're accountable to - yourself! You slack off, miss a workout, get lazy with your nutrition, and it only effects one person's results - yours! So what separates those few elite that pack on muscle and strength month in and month out? The ones that train with a ferocity that radiates from every corner of the gym? I'll tell you what it is - a burning desire, laser-like mental focus, motivation, perseverance, intelligence and most of all, while in the gym or on the field, intensity. Intensity to pound the weights harder and harder each and every rep of each and every workout. Intensity to push yourself to new limits again and again and again.

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