
Gaspari Nutrition Myofusion, 2-Pound Review

Gaspari Nutrition Myofusion, 2-Pound
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This is my first experience with protein powders EVER, and from what I've heard from others who tried a variety of different ones, Myofusion is very highly regarded. I purchased the Delicious Vanilla flavor thinking it would lend itself to a variety of flavor combinations. It does...to a point. The vanilla taste is SO intense that, to me, it overwhelms the taste of whatever you add to it. In addition, it's really sweet. A bit too sweet for my liking. I don't eat a lot of sugar, and that intensity of sweetness first thing in the morning is almost painful to me. I did find a way to cut the sweetness however. Besides adding more milk to mix it with, I started adding a tablespoon of bitter, unsweetened cocoa, which helped enormously to balance out the flavor and cut the sweetness.

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When it comes to the real nutritional needs of bodybuilders and athetes alike, there is little doubt to what legitimate science has to say about the different protein sources available int eh supplement marketplace. Unfortunatwly, this has little to do with the marketing message sent by most seller sof protein in the supplement market today. The competition between sellers is fierce and the drive to sell more protein by differenciating a protein by any means neccesary (whether it is legitimate or not) is prevelant to say the least. Supplements with multi-timed released proteins are everywhere, boasting absorption levels so slow that amino acids stays in the bloodstream for 5 to 13 hours! Some true, most... well... not! Let's just pretend it is true - all if it! Good news if you are a couch potato, don't eat frequently enough or only go to the gym occasionally - you may be in luck! One of these products might just sustain the amino acid levels in your body long enough for you to drag your butt up to eat every 5 to 13 hous. I wish we could play that game but we can't! Last we checked the typical hardcore, eductaed athlete using Gaspari products is on a 2.5 to 3 hour meal interval schedule and for this reason Myofusion delivers only the highest and most legitimately bioavailable proteins in existence - hard and fast!

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