
M.R.I. WAR, 1 Lb. 5 Oz Tub Review

M.R.I. WAR,  1 Lb. 5 Oz  Tub
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Dont expect Muscle in a bottle, but its pretty decent stuff...Allows you to push yourself...and pretty refreshing, especially when your winded from a big boy set...
It has your BCAA's and your Creatine (Pyruvate I think ? )..and some other stuff... so all you do is keep watering down the solution, to have a constant supply for your whole workout..and a scoop after...doesnt taste too bad, lasted about 4 weeks since I didnt take it on rest days (The weekend)...Ive gotten bigger, but I used this during a new program and some other supplements...so cant say if its this.
In summation, makes it easier to get your BCAAs (they call them AARM - Amino acid blend) and Creatine (Called Crea-Charge)...didnt notice anything about Heat Shock aminos...

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WAR - Workout Anabolic Recovery targets all 3 phases of optimal muscle growth - Reload, Repair and Rebuild. RELOAD: Muscles need fuel fast. When peak demands of energy occur during intense training, glucose, glycogen and glutamine stores can be decimated, forcing your body into a catabolic state to get the energy it needs. This means tearing apart the very muscle you are trying to build. To help prevent this, WAR supplies a 50/50 Waxy Maize and MM500 Blend for a two step approach to fast glycogen replenishment and sustained energy. REPAIR: WAR introduces Heat Shock Activation Technology. Heat Shock Proteins (HSPs) rapidly accelerate both the speed and efficiency of new protein production for tissue repair and provide armor against exercise induced oxidative damage. They work within muscle cells as a response against trauma like heat, cold, shock and physical stress like intense training. REBUILD: Now that you are locked and loaded and HSPs are fast at work preparing to take a giant leap forward, time to send in the Marines. WAR takes the guess work out of aminos with the proprietary 'Muscle Perfect" amino acid blend. AARM (Amino Acid Ratio of Muscle) contains every amino acid in the identical ratio found in human muscle. In every scoop of WAR the super fast-acting free form aminos in AARM are simply new muscle about to be born. WAR is built to combat the physiological challenges of a grueling workout, helping you to conquer new ground - without ever retreating.

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