
100% Pure Pea Protein 16 oz (454 grams) Pwdr Review

100% Pure Pea Protein 16 oz (454 grams) Pwdr
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Pea Protein Powder 2 lbs Code KL296/2 Brand: Kirkman Labs is superior due to the MUCH lower fat content, as well as lower calorie content. The price is very comparable as you will note that Swanson's is only a ONE pound container, whereas Kirkman's is 2 lbs, so it is only $2 more per pound...very reasonable for the lower fat content which brings it in line with nutritional values for chicken breast on the Protocol.
Otherwise, if you are not concerned with fat content as one must be on the Protocol, this is a way to save a couple bucks. I prefer Hemp Protein Powder when not concerned with fat content, however, as it has a more nutritious all around profile and a lovely, nutty flavor that enhances recipes. You may find recipes to make delicious puddings, soups & smoothies with protein powder here:
Blessed, healthy, prosperous & free be,
B'Shem Yeshua,
with love from

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For vegetarians, vegans and anyone looking for a non-animal derived protein, try Swanson 100% Pure Pea Protein: pure, easily digestible, great-tasting, vegan-friendly protein source made with yellow peas (Pisum sativum). It features an amino acid profile very close to ideal for human nutrition, as recommended by health organizations worldwide. Plus, unlike many protein supplements, Pea Protein is easy on the stomach and almost completely digestible, making it the perfect choice for sensitive individuals, children and the elderly.

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