
Organic Stevia Extract - Powder Review

Organic Stevia Extract - Powder
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Tried Sweet Leaf brand and didn't like the off flavor, and it was pretty weak (16 drops or so to sweeten my mug.) Now's glycerite stevia tastes better and is much stronger (7 drops to sweeten my mug.) It tastes better also. I pour this into an older eye-dropper bottle to dispense, since the cap system isn't that great. All-in-all, the best I've tried so far of the Stevia products, and pretty cost-effective.

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Non-BitterCertified Organic with Organic InulinCalorie-freeGreat Natural Herb TasteConsumer's ChoiceAspartame-FreeNatural Herbal SupplementUSDA Organic The use of Stevia dates back to 16th century South America, a time when the Guarani Indians of Paraguay referred to Stevia as kaa-he-he. Stevia leaves were first used to curb the bitterness of medicinal concoctions and a tea-like tribal drink known as maté. Natives also enjoyed chewing the leaves of the Stevia plant on account of their flavor. These primitive uses were first documented in 1887 by South American scientist, Antonio Bertoni. Twenty five years later, the primary constituents in Stevia were identified by two French scientists while studying the plant. NOW Stevia Extract is based on this very research.Today, Stevia is cultivated all over the world and continually attracts new users and markets. NOW Stevia Extract is derived from Organically Grown Stevia rebaudiana, the most potent and effective species according to ongoing studies. As one of the industry's foremost providers of Stevia products, NOW Foods takes the quality of our Stevia very seriously. Our Stevia is tested for quality, and to ensure safety and purity, we us only USDA Certified Organic Stevia.NOW Certified Organic Stevia Extract is a dietary supplement with no bitter aftertaste and zero calories. It also contains Organic Inulin, a naturally-occurring dietary fiber and fructooligosaccharide that helps promote the growth of friendly intestinal flora.* Organic inulin also has a low glycemic index (GI) rating making it suitable for the person on certain types of restricted diets.Read more about Stevia from Your Health Professor

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