
Full Bites Review

Full Bites
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To me if it's supposed to be healthy AND filling I expected them to taste like cardboard...maybe the bag I got was fresher than the reviewer who felt they tasted stale or like a rice cake because I actually REALLY enjoyed these...even if they weren't filling I would have found them great for the amount you get for only 150 calories. (a really full bag). Mine were crisp and had a nice mild sour cream and onion flavor.
I actually just picked them up at Walgreens where they were 50% off because I was famished running work errands but they are currently cheaper here (at the time of my review they run under 2 bucks each here with no tax...although the price fluctuates depending upon the seller so this may change eventually.) Anyway, I liked them enough to see if Amazon had the automatic delivery of them with the auto-delivery discount, but they did not.
I would love it if they were even cheaper but I am impressed with how filling they are without un-natural additives, they are full of fiber, and I liked the taste. I probably won't stock up on them as often as I would if they lowered the price a bit more, but I'll, most assuredly, keep em around.
It should be noted: These aren't exactly calorie free so I can't say I entirely "get" the premise of eating these right before a meal because 150 calories before every meal could add up fast even if you ate slightly less at the meal, it may not result in a loss. I, therefore, would choose these for a snack in between healthy meals and it did keep me satisfied. For others it may help them adjust the meal size enough to cause a loss. Also I was surprised to notice they are high in protein too
Update: The more I have these the more surprised I am how extremely filling they are. If I keep drinking water, it seems as though they just keep expanding and keep me full. As someone into working out, I try to eat tiny healthy meals every few hours to keep my metabolism up but my body, with my energy, also seems to always want food even when I shouldn't eat it. I am always hungry at meal time. Yet, I actually bypassed dinner a few times after eating these. I NEVER do that. Just to be healthy, I ate some veggies but I eat high fiber meals all the time without that result...so I am now a fan.
I have not yet tried the other flavors.

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Fullbites are a delicious crispy treat designed to reduce the amount your stomach can hold with fewer calories, thus leaving you feeling completely satisfied and full. like all 'befull' solutions, they are truly your best path to weight loss.

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