
Culture Starter by Body Ecology Review

Culture Starter by Body Ecology
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A few years ago, I used this culture to make a batch of cultured vegetables; kimchi. It worked exactly like it was supposed to and I didn't have to overload on the salt. Kim simply means "vegetable" in Korean, or so I understand. Besides the usual cabbage, I've seen Korean kimchi made from daikon and cucumber.
For cultured vegetables, it's best to use vegetables with a fairly low water content, since a high water vegetable, like celery, will disintegrate in mater of three or so days. I've made cultured vegetable mixes with carrots, daikon, beets and crushed red pepper flakes for a little heat. Since I'd chopped the veggies into small enough pieces, my former half-Korean neigbor said he would use it as salsa and that it had a nice heat. I hadn't thought of it, but that's a good use for cultured vegetables.

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Cultured foods have been an integral part of the healthiest diets for thousands of years and are essential to a long, healthy life. They give birth to a lavish inner ecosystem, building resistance to infections, and greatly enhancing digestion. They are ideal for appetite and weight control, very alkaline and cleansing to the blood. They are ideal for pregnant women, ensuring a healthy birth canal for her newborn child who will rely on her to provide healthy bacteria. Children with autism and ADD benefit from the culture as well. Cultured vegetables help take away cravings for sweets, soft drinks, bread, pasta, dairy, fruit and other expansive foods not allowed on the diet.

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